Practice closed due to a holiday

From monday 28 October until friday 1 November our practice will be closed due to a holiday.

During office hours you can contact the following locum GP’s in case of urgent medical matters:

  • if your last name starts with the letter A to G:
  • if your last name starts with the letter H to O:
  • if your last name starts with the letter H to Z:

dr. Tussenbroek
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 212 16 62

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.

Do you have a question about a medical certificate in times of corona?

Do you ask your GP, for example at the request of your employer, your children’s school or another body, for a medical certificate?

Your own GP cannot give you this. Such medical certificates may only be issued by an independent physician. For example, there remains a clear line between your possible treatment by your GP and the assessment of whether you are able to work or go to school and under what conditions.

What can you do to get a medical certificate? You can give a statement yourself or ask the person who wants an explanation if he / she has an independent doctor.

To explain further why we as a treating physician do not issue a medical certificate, the national federation of doctors KNMG has drawn up the so-called ‘refusal note’, click here for more information about the so-called ‘refusal note‘.

Restarting regular GP work

The pandemic with the corona virus is entering a new phase.

We are going to slowly start normal GP work again.

Thank you for all your understanding that we have experienced in recent weeks.

Work differently

To slow down the spread of the virus, we work differently than before.

  • We must keep the practice space as empty as possible.
  • People with respiratory complaints should absolutely not come to the practice.
  • The door is closed, you cannot just walk in .
  • You may call any of your health questions.

We will try to provide as much care as possible by telephone and email.

The chronic care of Vivian Remmig and psychological care of Nienke French will almost only take place by phone.

We will arrange notes, recipes and references by email as much as possible.


If it is necessary to examine you in practice, you will receive an appointment on the same day.

  • We ask you to arrive exactly at the time indicated, not too early and not too late.
  • We also ask you to come without a guide if possible.

Practice closed due to permenant education

From Wednesday 15 until friday 17 January, our general practice will be closed in connection with continuing medical education.

On this days you can contact the following locum GP’s during office hours (in case of urgent medical matters):

dr. Nijkamp
Oostsingel 51
015 – 212 67 41

  • if your last name starts with the letter M to Z:

dr. Tussenbroek
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 212 16 62

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.

Photo by Tim Gouw from Pexels

Practice closed due to Christmas holidays

From monday 28 October until friday 1 November our practice will be closed due to a holiday.

During office hours you can contact the following locum GP’s in case of urgent medical matters:

  • if your last name starts with the letter A to G:
  • if your last name starts with the letter H to O:

dr. Tussenbroek
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 212 16 62

  • if your last name starts with the letter H to Z:

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.

Closed due to a holiday

From monday 28 October until friday 1 November our practice will be closed due to a holiday.

During office hours you can contact the following locum GP’s in case of urgent medical matters:

  • if your last name starts with the letter A to G:
  • if your last name starts with the letter H to O:
  • if your last name starts with the letter H to Z:

dr. Tussenbroek
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 212 16 62

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.

Closed due to continuing medical education

From Wednesday 15 until friday 17 January, our general practice will be closed in connection with continuing medical education.

On this days you can contact the following locum GP’s during office hours (in case of urgent medical matters):

dr. Nijkamp
Oostsingel 51
015 – 212 67 41

  • if your last name starts with the letter M to Z:


The Influenza vaccination on 31 October will continue

Influenza vaccination 2019

Influenza vaccination for patients of GP Practice Baecke & Nobel takes place on the general practice at the Beukenlaan 4, Delft

Thursday, 31 October from 8:00 – 17:00

People aged 60 and older and people of any age with a chronic disease such as lung, kidney, cardiovascular disease or diabetes are at greater risk of getting complications during flu by influenza virus. To increase the resistance to the flu can get a vaccination (flu jab). Vaccination helps against the real flu (influenza) and not against the common cold.

Invitations were sent learly October. Do you think yourself to be eligible for influenza vaccination but have not received an invitation, please consult the assistant.

If you are not using the flu vaccine, please return the invitation no later than October 28 to the assistant . You can pass this through the email address:

For more information about seasonal flu, please visit the site of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) at

Summer holiday 2019

From monday 28 October until friday 1 November our practice will be closed due to a holiday.

During office hours you can contact the following locum GP’s in case of urgent medical matters:

  • if your last name starts with the letter A to G:

dr. Tussenbroek
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 212 16 62

  • if your last name starts with the letter H to O:
  • if your last name starts with the letter H to Z:

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.

Practise closed due to education

From Wednesday 15 until friday 17 January, our general practice will be closed in connection with continuing medical education.

On this days you can contact the following locum GP’s during office hours (in case of urgent medical matters):

  • if your last name starts with the letter M to Z:

Huisartsenpraktijk Smit & Landsmeer
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 212 68 06