At present our practice temporarily closed to new subscriptions.
You keep an eye on our website. We hope soon to begin again with enrolling patients.
At present our practice temporarily closed to new subscriptions.
You keep an eye on our website. We hope soon to begin again with enrolling patients.
People aged 60 and older and people of any age with a chronic disease such as lung, kidney, cardiovascular disease or diabetes are at greater risk of getting complications during flu by influenza virus. To increase the resistance to the flu can get a vaccination (flu jab). Vaccination helps against the real flu (influenza) and not against the common cold.
Invitations were sent late September 2016. Do you think yourself to be eligible for influenza vaccination but have not received an invitation, please consult the assistant.
If you are not using the flu vaccine, please return the invitation no later than October 7, 2016 to the assistant . You can pass this through the email address:
For more information about seasonal flu, please visit the site of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) at
On Friday, September 30th and Thursday, November 10, our general practice will be closed in connection with continuing medical education.
On Friday, September 30th you can contact the following locum GP’s during office hours (in case of urgent medical matters):
* if your last name starts with the letter A to L:
dr. Hermsen
Beukenlaan 4 A
Phone: 015 – 213 53 58
* if your last name starts with the letter M to Z:
dr. Nijkamp
Oostsingel 51
Phone: 015 – 212 67 41
Our practice will be closed from Monday 1 to Friday 19 August 2016.
from MONDAY 1 to FRIDAY 5 August
you can contact the locum GP at 015 – 213 13 13 (in case of urgent medical matters).
from MONDAY 8 to FRIDAY 19 August
you can contact the following locum GP’s during office hours (in case of urgent medical matters):
* if your last name starts with the letter A to G:
dr. Hartel
Beukenlaan 4-A
Phone: 015 – 284 00 30
* if your last name starts with the letter H to O:
dr. Hermsen
Beukenlaan 4 A
Phone: 015 – 213 53 58
* if your last name starts with the letter P to Z:
dr. Nijkamp
Oostsingel 51
Phone: 015 – 212 67 41
The walk-in hours will expire by July 1, 2016. You can then from 8:00 in the morning, visit the consultation appointment with your GP.
The appointment consultation is held on every working day between
8: 00-10: 00 and 14: 00-16: 00
For this consultation you should always make an appointment.
Appointments can be made by phone or at the counter between
8: 00-11: 00 and 13: 00-16: 00
See also the page about making an appointment and our hours of operation.
After 33 years from July 1, 2016 doctor Koopmans will enjoy a well-deserved retirement. We would like to inform you that we will continue the practice. We are aware that this will be a major change for you, as some of you have been patients with Dr. Koopmans for years .
In June we will already work two days a week with Dr. Koopmans to transfer everything. We would like to introduce ourselves to you.
We are Chantal Baecke and Simone Nobel, both experienced and enthusiastic practitioners.
Chantal Baecke lives in Berkel en Rodenrijs, is married and the mother of three daughters. She completed her medical studies in Ghent (Belgium) and completed her general education in 2007 from Rotterdam. Besides her work as a GP she is also teaches Medicine at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Simone Nobel also lives in Berkel en Rodenrijs, is married and mother of two sons and a daughter. Both her medical studies as well as the general training which she finished in 2004, she followed in Rotterdam. Besides her work as a GP she is currently training under general mental health.
From 2009 to the present we both worked in a health center in Berkel en Rodenrijs and from this setting, we know each other well.
We look forward to realize our ideal, to be a personal and involved GP, in close cooperation with other GPs and other disciplines. We hope to have a pleasant introduction and welcome you as a patient by July 1, 2016 in our general practice located in Medical Center Delft.
Simone Nobel-Tjokroatmodjo en Chantal Baecke