Practice closed from 28/11 to 2/12

From monday 28 November to Friday 2 December our practice will be closed due to a holiday.

During office hours you can contact the following locum GP’s in case of urgent medical matters:

  • if your last name starts with the letter A to G:

dr. Tussenbroek
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 212 16 62

  • if your last name starts with the letter H to O:
  • if your last name starts with the letter P to Z:

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.

Practice closed due to permanent education

On Thursday 3 and Friday 4 November our practice will be closed due to permanent education.

During office hours you can contact the following locum GP’s in case of urgent medical matters:

  • if your last name starts with the letter A to L:
  • if your last name starts with the letter M to Z:

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.

Closed during Autumn holidays

From Monday 24 February to Friday 28 February our practice will be closed due to a holiday.

During office hours you can contact the following locum GP’s in case of urgent medical matters:

  • if your last name starts with the letter A to L:

dr. Hartel
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 284 00 30

  • if your last name starts with the letter G to L:

Huisartsenpraktijk De Plataan
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 213 53 58

  • if your last name starts with the letter M to Z

dr. Tussenbroek
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 212 16 62

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.

Summer holiday

From monday 1 to friday 19 August our practice will be closed due to a holiday.

During office hours you can contact the following locum GP’s in case of urgent medical matters:

  • if your last name starts with the letter A to M:
  • From 1 till 11 August:

dr. Tussenbroek
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 212 16 62

  • From 15 till 19 August:
  • if your last name starts with the letter N to Z:

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.

Action day GPs Friday 1 July

Our practice will be campaigning for general practitioner care on 1 July.

All general practitioners in the Netherlands are campaigning together. We want to ensure that everyone in the Netherlands – now and in the future – can still go to a GP. We are asking for the attention of politicians in The Hague for this.

On Friday 1 July we will go to the Malieveld in The Hague.


On Friday 1 July, our general practice can be reached until 12:00, after which you can contact the Huisartsenpost Delft for emergencies, on telephone number 015 – 251 19 30 .

Voice of General Practice Baecke & Nobel

Our GP practice is also experiencing more and more work pressure, an increase in ‘off-the-shelf care’, questions/tasks that are wrongly shifted to the GP practice by others or without consultation, and less time for you as a patient. That is why we think it is important to make our voice heard on this day.

Do you support general practitioner care?

Do you care about general practitioner care and do you also want general practitioner care to be more accessible? Then let your voice be heard!

Action day GPs – Friday 1 July

  • When: Friday afternoon, July 1, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m
  • Where: Malieveld, The Hague (within walking distance of The Hague Central Station, parking garages nearby)
  • For whom: general practitioners, practice employees, and everyone who cares about general practitioner care

May holiday

From Monday 24 February to Friday 28 February our practice will be closed due to a holiday.

During office hours you can contact the following locum GP’s in case of urgent medical matters:

  • if your last name starts with the letter A to L:

dr. Hartel
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 284 00 30

  • if your last name starts with the letter G to L:

Huisartsenpraktijk De Plataan
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 213 53 58

  • if your last name starts with the letter M to Z

dr. Tussenbroek
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 212 16 62

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.

Practice closed due to premanent education

On Wednesday 15 and Thursday 17 March, our general practice will be closed in connection with continuing medical education.

On this days you can contact the following locum GP’s during office hours (in case of urgent medical matters):

  • if your last name starts with the letter A to M:
  • if your last name starts with the letter N to Z:

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.

Photo by Public Domain Pictures from Pexels

Practise closed from 1 Januaru – 9 January

From monday 28 October until friday 1 November our practice will be closed due to a holiday.

During office hours you can contact the following locum GP’s in case of urgent medical matters:

  • if your last name starts with the letter A to M:

  • if your last name starts with the letter N to Z:

dr. Hartel
Beukenlaan 4a
015 – 284 00 30

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.

2 and 3 December closed

On Thursday 2 and friday 3 December, our general practice will be closed in connection with continuing medical education.

On these days you can contact the following locum GP’s during office hours (in case of urgent medical matters):

  • if your last name starts with the letter A to G:
  • if your last name starts with the letter H to Z:

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.

Pratice closed due to permanent education

On Thursday 18 and Friday 19 November, our general practice will be closed in connection with continuing medical education.

On these days you can contact the following locum GP’s during office hours (in case of urgent medical matters):

  • if your last name starts with the letter A to M:
  • if your last name starts with the letter N to Z:

After 17:00 uur and in the weekends, please contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, at phonenumber 015 – 251 19 30.